“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”
Mathew 19:14
Grace helps prepare children and their families to celebrate the important milestones in the spiritual life, especially baptism and confirmation.
Nursery care is offered for children five years of age and younger from 10:30 am-11:30 am every Sunday morning. Children of all ages are welcome at all of our services. All nursery workers have been trained in safe church practices.
An acolyte program is open to girls and boys, generally of eight years of age or older, who help assist with Sunday services. This program helps develop reverence, respect, and a greater appreciation of the Church in the lives of young people.
Grace sponsors a number of family gatherings and events throughout the year. These events are "old fashioned" in the sense that they feel like extended family gatherings, with the adults visiting with each other while the children are running around playing together much to everyone's delight.